Precut Stainless Steel Shim Rotational Alignment Technologies is proud to be New Zealand distributor of OZISHIM pre-cut Stainless Steel shimming systems.


Product Benefits
- Save $ and time with OziShim.
- Highest quality Stainless Steel shim stock.
- Clearly marked thicknesses in Metric and Imperial. Markings are laser etched and therefore will not be erased as would ink.
- No burrs, sharp edges or distortion.
- Higher, wider slots. No "Bolt Pull".
- 5 standard sizes, 13 thicknesses held in stock.
- Super tough ABS boxes with dedicated metric and imperial marked dividers for easy shim location and stock auditing.
- Unique patented handling tab that enables one handed shim pack stacking by grasping the throat of the tabs between thumb and forefinger. (view a demonstration)
Additional Products
For additional products such as sizes F (150 x150), G (130 x 200), H (150 x 300)
and Custom Made Shim
Contact RAT sales TODAY